User Reference

This section serves as a reference for common cli actions for normal users of Astra, focusing on specific ways you can use Astra and features that might not be obvious at first glance.

It assumes the reader already has their infrastructure bootstrapped and they've been given an Astra API key via this step.

If you're just getting started you should start with the astra init command


  • Account: View and manage your cloud accounts.
  • Auth: Manage authentication for your cloud provider.
  • Connect: Establish access from your machine to an internal account.
  • Init: Initialize your Astra account, infrastructure, and CLI settings.
  • Secret: View and manage your application secrets.
  • Service: View and manage Astra-deployed services and create or deploy new ones.
  • User: View and manage your cloud users.
  • Whoami: Display general user and infrastructure information.

An aside:

Astra attempts to combine multiple parts of infrastructure and software development that are commonly poorly managed and typically cumbersome to use. It takes this goal very seriously and if you have feedback on anything that could be easier to use, found a bug, or just simply have an idea for a new feature, please reach out!

You can do so using your company's included Slack channel, via the website, or just simply send me an email at clint.edwards [at]